Hi all,
I have recently updated the news area on the site, with the most recent YouTube video. It is a walk though of how the animals are all doing. Any comments, as always, would be much appreciated, along with any subscriptions (which do not cost you anything, it just helps the channel to grow) and a like would be fab. No worries if not, I know that it isn’t every one’s thing.
I am glad to say that Bobbin is feeling much better. Her udder has reduced in size and there are no horrible pustules on it, or redness, so that is all good.
On the goat front, I am more than excited to share that snow came into heat and went to be mated, which she was happy to do as she didn’t want to leave the Billy goat. As far as goats do, he did put in the full 10 yards, as he was incredibly attentive and loving. However, I have to say that he was rather smelly! Apparently it is what attracts the ladies so I suppose it has to be done. I did take Storm but she wasn’t ready. However, she did manage to pee on my coat on the way back, with obviously had to be washed. My car is going in for a service today so I will have to apologise for the stench as the gorgeous odour of the Billy was all over Snow, which was then kindly transferred to my car! My husband is on goat watch to today to see if Storm shows any sign of heat and then if she does, she will be off to see if she is interested being mated. The lovely thing is that they are in charge of the mating. If they don’t want to be mated, they aren’t. As for Snow, we will know in about 25 days’ time if she is pregnant, as she won’t come into heat again. If she is pregnant, she will be due around the 25th March next year.
The alpacas are doing well. I am looking forward to next week as they are due to be scanned, so we will know if there are any cria due next year! Lots of excitement at the moment of possible young next year. Just have to hope everything goes smoothly. Talking of smoothly! We did get around to do Maddy’s feet this week. As I said last time, no excuses, it had to be done. There was lots of spitting but thankfully not at Dave or I. But we did get it done. They definitely needed doing and it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be. We will just get on and do it next time. I think that sometimes you don’t realise how adept at something you have begun.
We have now been on this journey for over a year but only had the alpacas since March. However, the experience gained has been vast. There have been some trials and tribulations but the good has very much outweighed the bad. We know that we are lucky to have a little piece of heaven and are happy to share that with those around us. The natural healing and wellness that the animals give is amazing. I have seen so many adults and children alike beam with pleasure when interacting with them, it is definitely a fulfilling feeling when this happens. Not only that, but the animals also love the attention, especially the goats. They will take all of the cuddles, smoothing and brushing you can give.
The chickens continue to do well, in spite of the presence of bird flu. The birds have been in this week as they have been given a wormer with their food. They have to stay in for 7 days and only eat this. They haven’t been too happy, but it is for their own good. They can have as many treats as they like after the 7 days. They have been involved in the new pumpkin challenge of carving out to show the flesh of the pumpkin and then they do their bit by eating it through. Well, that is the theory. Some aren’t going quite to plan. I will take some pictures after they have been finished and with and share with you. The other good thing about pumpkins is the seed is a natural wormer, so once they have been wormed they can have a top up with the seeds! Winner! I just have to keep my fingers crossed that we are not put into flockdown and the chickens have to stay in. They are not happy when this happens.
We are eating our way through the veg plot and I will be planting some garlic and onions seeds very soon. On my next YouTube video I will be sharing this, along with an experiment connected to the seeds. You will have to watch to see what I am doing. Maybe you could do the trial with me? Or you could see how mine works out and use whichever method works best next year.
It just leaves me to say bye for now and I look forward to updating you on our goings on in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget to pop on over to YouTube to see what is going on, and also watch for updates on both Instagram and Facebook. I do try to keep them as up to date as possible.
Take care for now.